2008年12月7日 星期日

Love Certificate

I like singer Yanzi's songs when I studyed in five years college.

But this song, at the first time I heared, I didn't like it.

Because, I didn't like the slowly tone.

Howere, One day, I saw the lyrics... I was caought by the meanings...

We paid more toilsome, for more happiness.

And the Love must have a certificate to prove we won't alone any more...

I feel alone today, course of all my friends are struggling for their assignments.

I have assignments, too.

And I try to find someone who can chart with me.

The answer is none.

Where is she? I have a little miss you.

I will pay more toilsome for alone.

I will gain more happiness for future, too.



寂寞當然有一點 你不在我身邊 總是特別想念你的臉
距離是一份考卷 測量相愛的誓言 最後會不會實現
我們為愛還在學 學溝通的語言 學著諒解 學著不流淚
等到我們學會飛 飛越黑夜 和考驗 日子就要從孤單裡畢業
我們用多一點點的辛苦 來交換多一點點的幸福 就算幸福 還有一段路
證明 從此 不孤獨

